
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

A Very Vain Mermaid

Write a legend about a vain mermaid who is a spy from another kingdom.

Once upon a time there was a very vain mermaid that was a spy from a different kingdom. She danced around while she was discovering something she played in the mirror and danced around.

The next day she got caught trying to take people's money and stole a beautiful mirror. She was put into jail for a very long time. She nearly died until her dad came and commanded King Askebam to let her go so he did.

After that she went home and she was so sad. Then she went to go and get changed so she could go to bed. She dreamt about the time when she was a theif and it made her feel sad.

At the end she learnt a lesson from that. Then she never stole ever ever again. She was a spy for ever and she was happy.


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